Saturday, January 10, 2009


A debate that rages in my head:

First Me: Israel, Palestine, blah blah blah.

Second Me: I know, but...

First Me: Those Israelis should get out now and give the Palestinians back their land.

Second Me: Sure, in a world where individuals matter and morals prevail. But do we live in that world? The idea that Israel is wrong and Hamas is right is based on human concepts. Are those concepts actually universal? I suspect not.

First Me: Yeah, but we are human and have to live with our own concepts. It feels impossible to divorce myself from feelings that some things are right and some are wrong. In this case, the strong overpowering the weak is by definition evil. I will always side with the underdog until such time as humanity has risen above internal conflict.

Second Me: Then we have a long way to go. Just the fact that we're debating and we're the same person leads me to believe that conflict is part of what it means to be human. In any case, who cares? Why should I even worry about humans? We are no more important than a speck of dirt. Everything is just a bunch of particles. Here today, gone the next. In 5000 years' time, this conflict will mean absolutely nothing to anybody.

First Me: so what do you advocate? Abandoning people to incessant bombings? What if your daughter was there?

Second Me: you have a point but I wish you didn't. I love her deeply but logic dictates that she shouldn't matter. Yet she does. So this is where we trip up. Maybe I have to just follow my gut and let reason remain frustrated.

First Me: so we're agreed.